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Oracle Database 12c: Administration Workshop

Oracle Database전체일정보기 수강신청


* 09:30 ~ 17:00 (30시간 / 5일) (점심시간:1시간30분)

오라클 데이터베이스 12c 관리자 워크샵 과정은 오라클 데이터베이스 아키텍쳐에 대해
학습하는 과정입니다. 과정 수강 후에는 오라클 데이터베이스 인스턴스를 효과적으로 관리하고, 오라클 네트워크 환경설정과 데이터베이스 유지보수를 할 수 있습니다.


오라클 데이터베이스(12c)의
1. 인스턴스를 생성하고 관리할 수 있다.
2. 스토리지 구조를 생성하고 관리합니다.
3. 오라클 네트워크 환경(Oracle Network Environment)를 설정할 수 있다.
4. 사용자 생성 및 관리를 할 수 있다.
5. 데이터베이스를 모니터링하고 성능관리를 할 수 있다.
6. 백업과 복구 기술을 위한 기본 정보를 습득할 수 있다.
7. 오라클 소프트웨어 업데이트를 위해 Oracle support workbench와 My Oracle support를 사용할 수 있다.


- 데이터베이스 관리자/개발자
- Technical Architect, System Administrator
- 기술 지원 전문가




1. Getting Started
- Course Objectives

2. Exploring Oracle Database Architecture
- Introducing Oracle Database
- Relation Database Models
- Oracle SQL and PL/SQL
- Oracle Database Server Architecture
- Connecting to Oracle Databases
- Oracle Database Tools
- Oracle-Supplied User Accounts
- Querying the Oracle Data Dictionary

3. Managing Database Instances
- Initialization Parameter Files
- Starting Up Oracle Databases
- Shutting Down Oracle Databases
- Opening and Closing PDBs
- Working with the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)
- Querying Dynamic Performance Views

4. Creating PDBs
- Methods and Tools to Create PDBs
- Creating PDBs from Seed with SQL*Plus
- Cloning PDBs with SQL*Plus
- Unplugging and Pluggin In PDBs with SQL*Plus
- Dropping PDBs with SQL*Plus

5. Configuring the Oracle Network Environment
- Oracle Net Services
- How Listeners Work
- Configuring Listeners for Dynamic Service Registration
- Configuring Listeners for Static Service Registration
- Configuring Local Naming for Connections
- Testing Oracle Net Connectivity with tnsping
- Configuring Communidation Between Databases
- Dedicated Versus Shared Server Configurations

6. Administering User Security
- Creating Users
- Granting Privileges
- Creating and Granting Roles
- Revoking Privileges and Roles
- Creating and Assigning Profiles
- Authenticating Users
- Assigning Quotas to Users
- Applying the Principal of Least Privilege

7. reating and Managing Tablespaces
- How Table Data is Stored
- Creating Tablespaces in SQL*Plus
- Altering and Dropping Tablespaces in SQL*Plus
- Viewing Tablespace Information in SQL*Plus
- Implementing Oracle Managed Files
- Moving and Renaming Online Data Files in SQL*Plus

8. Managing Storage Space
- Oracle Database Space Management Features
- Block Space Management
- Row Chaining and Migration
- Free Space Management Within Segments
- Types of Segments
- Allocating Extents
- Understanding Deferred Segment Creation
- Space-Saving Features

9. Managing UNDO Data
- Undo Data: Overview
- Transactions and Undo Data
- Storing Undo Information
- Comparing Undo Data and Redo Data
- Managing Undo
- Local Undo Mode Versus Shared Undo Mode
- Configuring Undo Retension
- Categories of Undo

10. Moving Data
- Moving Data: General Architecture
- Oracle Data Pump: Overview
- Oracle Data Pump: Benefits
- Data Pump Export and Import Clients
- Data Pump Utility: Interfaces and Modes
- Data Pump Import: Transformations
- SQL*Loader Overview
- Loading Methods

11. Backup and Recovery Concepts
- DBA Responsibilities
- Categories of Failure
- Understanding Instance Recovery
- Understanding Types of Backups
- Comparing Complete and Incomplete Recovery
- Oracle Data Protection Solutions
- Flashback Technology

12. Monitoring and Tuning Database Performance
- Managing Performance Activities
- Performance Planning Considerations
- Database Maintenance
- Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
- Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
- Performance Monitoring
- Performance Tuning Methodology
- Database Server Statistics and Metrics

13. SQL Tuning
- SQL Tuning Process
- Oracle Optimizer
- Optimizer Statistics
- SQL Plan Directives
- Adaptive Execution Plans
- SQL Tuning Advisor
- SQL Access Advisor
- SQL Performance Analyzer

14. Oracle Database Resource Manager
- Oracle Database Resource Manager: Overview
- Resource Manager Elements
- Using Resource Manager to Allocate Resources
- Creating a Simple Resource Plan
- Creating a Complex Resource Plan
- Using the Active Session Pool Feature
- Limiting CPU Utilization at the Database Level
- Limiting CPU Utilization at the Server Level

15. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
- Controlling the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Framework
- Starting the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Framework
- Stopping the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Framework

16. Introduction to Oracle Database Cloud Service
- Oracle Cloud: Overview
- Database Cloud Service Offerings
- DBCS Architecture
- Features and Tooling
- Additional Database Configuration Options

17. Creating DBCS Database Deployments
- Automated Database Provisioning
- Creating a Database Deployment
- How SSH Key Pairs are Used
- Creating an SSH Key Pair
- Storage Used for Database Files

18. Managing DBCS Database Deployments
- Cloud Tooling
- Accessing Tools and Features from the DBCS Console
- Managing the Compute Node Associated With a Database Deployment
- Managing Network Access to DBCS
- Enabling Access to a Compute Node Port
- Scaling a Database Deployment

19. Backing Up and Restoring DBCS Database Deployments
- Backing Up and Recovering Databases on DBCS
- Backup Destination Choices
- Backup Configuration
- Creating an On-Demand Backup
- Customizing the Backup Configuration
- Performing Recovery by Using the Console
- Performing Recovery by Using the dbaascli Utility

20. Patching DBCS Database Deployments
- Patching DBCS
- Using the DBCS Console to Manage Patches
- Using the dbaascli Utility to Manage Patches

21. Creating Master Encryption Keys for PDBs
- CDB and PDB Master Encryption Keys
- Determining Whether You Need to Create and Activate and Encryption Key for a PDB
- Creating and Activating an Encryption Key

22. Tablespace Encryption by Default
- Tablespace Encryption by Default in DBCS
- Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Overview
- Components of TDE
- Using TDE
- Defining the Keystore Location
- Controlling Tablespace Encryption by Default
- Managing the Software Keystore and Master Encryption Key
- Managing the Keystore in CDBs and PDBs


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